Layla and Angela updating status on their smart phone devices - Young Social Media Influencers - Photography by arkad.digital staff photographer - Monique Manning - Copyright All Rights Reserved © 2017 Arkad Digital, LLC |
Los Angeles, Calif., July 26, 2017 /arkad.digital/ - The emergence of the Plurals is already having a huge impact in the digital marketing world.
What is a Plural and what does this mean….you ask?
Plurals are considered young people born between 2002 to 2006. The name Plurals derives from the pluralistic society they were born into and in which they are growing up. Now that you know who they are and what to call them, let’s start to understand what we have created.
According to Pew Research Center:
37 percent of teenagers, ages 13 to 17 own or have access to a smartphone, an increase from 37 percent in 2013. [Source]
88 percent of teenagers, ages 13 to 17 own or have access to a cellphone. [Source]
91 percent of teenagers, ages 13 to 17, access the internet on cell phones, tablets and other mobile devices at least occasionally. [Source]
The average thirteen year old in the United States uses a smart phone and social media daily, more than any other task performed collectively. The most important difference from previous generations is the saturation and affordability of portable devices and social media platforms. In 2000, if you saw a thirteen year old with a cell phone, there was no doubt that it belonged to their parents. Fast forward seventeen years, and it would not be shocking to see a third grader walking to school texting on their own phone. Plurals of today are outspoken, active, discovering their voices, are fully able to navigate social media platforms and are in full control of all their identities and profiles.
Layla and Angela - Red Carpet Host - Young Artist Awards 2017 |
Unlike their predecessors, the Millennials, Plurals are the next generation of consumers with a clear edge and a seemly natural understanding of the technology in current devices. Did these kids come from the womb with a device in their hand? Looking at them effortlessly maneuver a
new purchased device, makes one wonder about generational DNA (I will save that for another article). Having this informational head start helps brands and products easily market directly to Plurals without fear of a technology learning curve. Plurals ease to find exactly who or what they are looking for with search. According to research, 71% of Plurals say they acknowledge brand recognition marketed to them online and that they share different cultural and political views as compared to parents.
Content Use
"Watch, subscribe or follow, learn, play, and comment;
can be the mantra of the Plurals’."
The World Wide Web is a viral environment and their aim is to be a part of every moment from concept to Internet sensation. In turn, this gives marketers millions of opportunities to plant the seeds of product brands to build a fan base and grow authority in their market space. Therefore, responsive knowledgeable content design and download speed are paramount when deciding which marketing assets to deploy. Plurals will continue to search web content and media they think represent the topics and issues they express but keeping your finger on the pulse of these quickly changing trends becomes insurmountable.
Right Choice and Taking Control
By intuitively navigating tons of online media, Plurals consume ideas and content where they find it quickly and easily. They can propel an old product or bring stardom to a new brand with one online viral surge. By that same token, piss them off and it will be an uphill battle to reestablishing your online presence.
Aside from leveraging brands, Plurals are power members on all social media sites and media platforms. Couple that with individual online groups, the gaming industry, and technology and they will be the most influential consumers by the year 2025.
The Marketer’s Challenge
Plurals thrive on rich media content and in a short time will control all social platforms. Thus, brands and marketers that want to connect with Plurals today will need to incorporate their message into strategies using video marketing and social media live streams to entice and empower this young base. Marketers need to understand that the driving force behind this group of individuals is their desire to be recognized and more importantly to be acknowledged. Sounds familiar? Of course it does! Therefore, we do not have to recreate the wheel; instead much like any other marketing demographic, the formula is the same, “give them what they want and they will come”!
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