beta check one two one two - Launch New Website for Azusa Business Owners - we liberate possibility

It's not about us, it is about we
These are not simple words to us. We are in the digital age! We know that it will take a village to tell to stories of our community. With the advent of computers, mobile phones, tablets and the technologies of the Internet we can play, learn and work while sharing memorable moments. At we believe that it is our sworn duty to facilitate these digital moments. Our business goal is to create a digital friendly Azusa community that will connect with community businesses and the folks that visit and live here. Whether suggesting a local restaurant to friends and family or sharing photos of your little cousins swimming on a hot day at Slauson Park Pool, we will help!

S T R A T E G Y and know how -
We will be your company’s creative and marketing muse. Allow to be the heavy thinkers and planners of your great ideas. Our Creative Content Strategy has one goal; to reach the right audiences through the right channels to get the right results. By creating offline and online content that will be shareable and interesting, we will excite your visitors and ignites search engines. As we take your business to the next level, we will pull all levers of organic and paid distributions. The strategy is the heart and soul of it all and your online content becomes the many moving parts.

m u s e - /myo͞oz/
noun - 1. a person or entity who is a source of artistic inspiration.
verb - 2. to think deeply or give serious thought.

Working with is easy, well-organized and exciting – and it all starts with our proven 5 step

A - R - K - A -D Strategy™ process:

[Step 1] A - Assessment
The purpose of the assessment stage is to evaluate and research your business brand, target market, and potential visitors and audience. After which we build a customer personas or profile and their - User Journeys.[read more]
[Step 2] R - Realization
In this process we identify what offline products and online digital services your company will need; turning the findings of your A.D landmarks™ into content cornerstones. [read more]

[Step 3] K - Knowledgeable Creative Content Creation (KCCCC)
The knowledge creative content creation (KCCC) stage involves two different phases: storytelling and content creation. Here we customize and design content solutions to that will answer these questions.

* What is the message that you want users to buy into?
* What A.D landmarks™ are being used to support your message?
* What is the call to action of your message?

[Step 4] A - Audience Connection
We built it, but they don’t necessarily come. Content marketing is the key stage to getting the right results for your digital content investment. Having a well designed website and social media channels do not equate to web traffic. It takes smart social and paid planning, savvy SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and SEM (Search Engine Marketing) and more to get eyes on your content. And it takes more than raw number know-how to identify what works to amplify your message. 

[Step 5] D - Data and Determination
Data is royalty; both King and Queen! In this stage we measure and analyze the results and responses from our campaign content based on the marketing goals and KPIs. We high five and cheer for all the successes but we also determine whether there are ways to improve progress. By analyzing the data and generating reports across media channels; owed, earned, and paid, we will refine A.D landmarks™ and make recommendations based on your content marketing goal.

Our Services
While working through the five [5] step process, our services are the keys to our proven success. In case you’re wondering what our expertise are, here’s a closer look at the most popular services here at arkad.digtal.

Call us today at 626.771.3130 or email now @ for free local business marketing audit.

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Arkad.Digital Joins God's Pantry to Feed Azusa Families

September 9, 2017 - Azusa, CA - / /  - What a blessing!! Tom Sweney, CEO of God’s Pantry, and his generous team at God’s Pantr...